
A collection of articles, essays, opinions, & more
Version v0.1.1
A retro television

Welcome, wanderer.

If you're a software engineer, web developer, or a nerd all the same; you'll know that two slashes signify a comment in code. While a lot of my writings here won't necessarily pertain to code (some of it will), my purpose for this site was to offer commentary. These are my comments.

This is a quiet corner of the internet where I share thoughts, ideas, and opinions that don't always fit into polite conversations or social media posts. It's not a portfolio, nor a professional statement; Just a collection of musings from someone who enjoys asking questions and challenging norms.

Feel free to browse, reflect, or even disagree. Just know that what's written here isn't meant to persuade or provoke, only to explore and provide insight and facilitate understanding from a potentially differing viewpoint.

For the design nerds, this monospace theme wasn't my own creation, but a creation of Oskar Wickström called The Monospace Web

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